Hello There! I'm Davina, a passionate and aspiring character designer and 2D animator from Staffordshire, hoping to turn my daydreams into an animated reality.​
Most of my work is personal, but I have a few industry experiences. I worked on a live brief titled 'The Black Spider' during my second year of university and had the opportunity to have a weeks-long internship at Cloth Cat in South Wales.
​Animation and illustration has always been a passion of mine and creating moving and silly stories is something that allows me to share those stories with people. I might be getting there little by little but I hope to achieve my goal!

2018 - 2020 DDM
Level 3 Animation and Concept art
Stafford College
A 2 year course that taught me the basics in ToonBoom, Maya, Dragon Frame and the Adobe suite. I learnt how to animate stop motion, 2D and 3D. My strengths was animating in 2D and stop motion, while modelling in 3D and stop motion.
2020 - 2023 1st Class Honours
BA 2D Animation and Stop Motion
University of South Wales
This was a 3-year course that expanded my knowledge of animation. As mentioned above, I was allowed to do a live brief in my second year. Over the duration of the course, I made both 2D and Stop motion animation, however, I decided in my second year to focus on 2D animation for my projects. I helped with a few stop-motion props and clothing on other projects. In my final year I created a short film called 'Pair' and was the director of a small group of people who all helped with the filmmaking process.